Big Game Snack Tray

Big Game Snack Tray

What You'll Need:

  • 3 - 22" x 28" ArtSkills Foam Core Boards
  • ArtSkills Craft Knife
  • ArtSkills Hot Glue Gun
  • ArtSkills Hot Glue Sticks
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Template

Let's Get Started


A) Using Diagram 1, measure and pencil in the red lines onto the foam core board. This is the base of your tray.

B) Using Diagram 2, measure all the lines onto the second foam core board. Cut out with a craft knife.

C) Using Diagram 3, measure all the lines onto the third foam core board. Cut out with a craft knife.

D) Assemble the tray by hot gluing the cut pieces according to Diagram 1 onto foam core board 1.

*Note: Pieces A and B are glued on top of the foam core board base. C pieces are glued to the sides of the foam core board base.

E) Print out the template. Cut to fit. Place in the center.

F) Fill with snacks and enjoy!