A) Use the style guide template to draw the folding and cutting lines on the poster board.
A) Cut out the envelope following the cut lines.
A) Your poster board is now ready to transform into a faux metal envelope!
A) Use a large paint brush and make random dabbing motions on the front of the poster board with the silver paint. Let dry.
A) Use a large paint brush and make random dabbing motions on the back of the poster board with the silver paint. Let dry.
A) Your envelope is ready to be folded!
B) Fold the right flap along the fold line and create a crease.
C) Fold the left flap along the fold line and create a crease.
D) Fold the bottom flap along the fold line and create a crease.
A) Open the bottom flap and add dots of hot glue to the point and two inner corners.
B) Fold the bottom flap back up and press to adhere the hot glue.
A) Punch a hole at the top point of the envelope.
B) Loop jute through the hole to make a hanger.
A) Place a chalk label on the front of the envelope.